
Who lives in Amsterdam knows how useful is to have a bike.

If you want to buy a new bike, you could pay up to 600 euro.
Stolen bikes (also known as Junkie Bikes) cost between 5 and 25 Euros, but it is not so politically correct to support the black market of stolen bikes.

In Spuistraat 84 you can find Vitor in his shop: Recycled bikes.
At Recycled Bikes you can fix your bike as well as buy second hand bikes.


Vitor is a portuguese guy from Lisbon.
He combines old bike parts with new ones for building the bikes that he sells at his shop.
Remember that, when you fix your bike there, they don’t ike to replace pieces unless it is really necessary. At recycled bikes they always try to fix what is fixable. Less waste!

If you need a bike fix, Recycled bikes is cheap, fast, and the people there are always patient and kind.

Recycled Bikes
Spuistraat 84
06 64581429

NIEUWE FIETSEN, GESTOLEN FIETSEN, GERECYCLEERDE FIETSEN. Wie in Amsterdam woont, weet hoe handig een fiets is…


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